The Slovak Early Music Database - Cantus Planus in Slovakia allows free and universal access to complete or fragmentary manuscripts with musical notation, written before c. 1600, kept at many different libraries and archives in Slovakia. Every manuscript is given in full-color reproduction and entered with a general description. Selected codices and fragments with monophonic or polyphonic music are fully indexed.


  • Eva Veselovská | Project Manager, Institute of Musicology of Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava
  • Hana Urbancová Head of the Institute of Musicology of Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava
  • Jan Koláček | Webmaster, Charles University Prague
  • Rastislav Adamko | Catholic University Ruzomberok
  • Janka Bednáriková | Catholic University Ruzomberok
  • Rastislav Luz | Slovak National Archives Bratislava
  • Mária Michalovová |Slovak National Gallery
  • Hana Studeničová | Institute of Musicology of Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava
  • Veronika Garajová | Institute of Musicology of Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava
  • Sylvia Urdová | Slovak National Museum – Museum of Music Bratislava
  • Eduard Lazorík | Institute of Musicology of Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava
  • Zuzana Badárová | Institute of Musicology of Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava

The SEMD-CPS database was established as part of the projects:

  • VEGA Nr. 2/0125/10 The Medieval Music Sources in the Slovak Church Libraries, 2010-2012, directed by E. Veselovská, Institute of Musicology of SAS;
  • APVV Nr. 51-043605 The Middle age sacred Music Sources from Slovakia, directed by E. Veselovská, Institute of Musicology of SAS; the project Nr. ITMS 26240120035 European Dimensions of the Artistic Culture in Slovakia, 2011-2013, directed by I. Gerát, Institute of Art History of SAS;
  • VEGA Nr. 2/0031/13 CANTUS PLANUS - Gregorian chant in Slovakia as an era phenomenon, 2013-2016, directed by E. Veselovská, Institute of Musicology of SAS;
  • VEGA Nr. 1/0027/13 The research and source edition of the gradual deposited in the Slovak national archive in Bratislava, Bratislava chapter library fund, signature Manuscripta 67, 2013-2016, directed by R. Adamko, Catholic University in Ruzomberok;
  • APVV Nr. 14-0681 The Music in Bratislava , 2015-2019, directed by J. Bartová, Department of Musicology, Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University in Bratislava.
  • VEGA Nr. 2/0034/17 The Image of Piety in Medieval Musical Culture in Slovakia, 2017-2020, directed by E. Veselovska, Institute of Musicology of SAS;
  • VEGA Nr. 1/0105/17 Missale Romanum sign. Rkp. zv. 387 from the ÚK SAV - the research and source edition, 2017-2020, directed by R. Adamko, Catholic University in Ruzomberok;
  • APVV-19-0043 CANTUS PLANUS in Slovakia: Local Elements – Transregional Connections, 2020-2024, directed by E. Veselovska, Institute of Musicology of SAS
  • VEGA Nr. 2/0006/21 Transregional Relations of Musical Sources of Sacred and Secular Character from the territory of Slovakia dating back to 12th and 17th century, 2021-2024, directed by E. Veselovska, Institute of Musicology of SAS;

  • VEGA Nr. 1/0096/21 The Carthusian Psalterium  - Gradual Sign. J 538 from the Literary Archive of the Slovak National Library in Martin, Research and Source Edition, 2021-2024, directed by J. Bednáriková, Catholic University in Ruzomberok

This project is carried out at the Institute of Musicology of Slovak Academy of Sciences with funding from Music Fund Bratislava.


Cooperation with institutions:



  • Bratislava City Museum/Múzeum mesta Bratislavy
  • Catholic University in Ružomberok/Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku
  • Central Library of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava/Ústredná knižnica SAV
  • Slovak National Archives/Slovenská národný archív
  • Slovak National Museum – Museum of Music/Slovenské národné múzeum - Hudobné múzeum
  • Banská Štiavnica Archives branch of the State Archives in Banska Bystrica/Štátny archív v Banskej Bystrici, pracovisko Archív Banská Štiavnica
  • Modra Archives branch of the State Archives in Bratislava/Štátny archív v Bratislave, pracovisko Archív Modra
  • Slovak Pedagogic Library/Slovenská pedagogická knižnica
  • University Library in Bratislava/Univerzitná knižnica v Bratislave
  • The State Archives in Bratislava/Štátny archív v Bratislave
  • State Scientific Library in Košice/Štátna vedecká knižnica Košice
  • The State Archives in Trenčín/Štátny archív v Trenčíne
  • Slovak National Museum – Museum Betliar/Slovenské národné múzeum - Múzeum Betliar
  • Košice City Archives/Archív mesta Košice
  • The Archives of the Kremnica Mint/Archív Mincovne Kremnica
  • Kremnica Archives branch of the State Archives in Banská Bystrica/Štátny archív v Banskej Bystrici, pracovisko Archív Kremnica
  • Library of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Kremnica/Knižnica evanjelickej cirkvi a. v. v Kremnici
  • The State Archives in Trnava/Štátny archív v Trnave
  • Bardejov Archives branch of the State Archives in Prešov/Štátny archív v Prešove, pracovisko Archív Bardejov
  • Levoča Spiš Archives branch of the State Archives in Prešov/Štátny archív v Prešove, špecializované pracovisko Spišský archív v Levoči
  • Levoča Roman Catholic Parish Church/Rímsko-katolícky farský kostol v Levoči
  • The State Archives in Prešov/Štátny archív v Prešove
  • Library of Spišská Kapitula/Knižnica Spišskej Kapituly